We recommend that you video record your singles tennis match with either a permanently mounted camera, or a temporarily mounted GoPro camera or high quality cell phone camera, that is centered in a fixed position directly behind one end of the court.  The camera should be mounted approximately 10 to 14 feet above the court and should be aimed slightly downward so as to be able to see several feet behind both baselines and beyond both sidelines.  Generally, the camera should be positioned so that the service line on the far side of the court is visible above the top of the net.


After recording a singles tennis match, we recommend that you upload your video to any one of the several on-line video platforms that are now available.  For example, YouTube video or Track.Tennis provide widely used video platforms. 

After you have uploaded your video, you can simply email the video link to us at when you are ready for us to chart your match.


7ST offers one single-match (“Starter Package”) and two multi-match (“Team Package” and “Coaches Package”) analytics packages.  A single “match” is considered to be any number of games of continuous play, up to two sets plus a 10-point tiebreaker.  (An additional fee will be charged for charting any match in which a third set is played.)  Any match video that comprises fewer than two complete sets and a 10-point tiebreaker will be counted as a full match.


When you send us the link to your video, you will additionally need to send us the following information about the match and about the players (so that we can properly attribute charting information to the right players):

  • The name of both players.
  • Distinguishing features of the two players (e.g., dark/light pants, dark/light shirt, hat/no hat, long sleeves/short sleeves, long pants/short pants, printing on shirt, etc.), to help us keep track of which player is which in the video.
  • Name of player who servers first in each set.
  • Ad/No Ad Format; Final score of each set.
  • [OPTIONAL] Match identification information (e.g., date of match, location of match, team name, team court/position number, event name, etc.).
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