The 5 Service Targets

The figures above show service Target Areas for the deuce (Left Figure) and ad (Right Figure) sides of the court, respectively.  The five basic service targets are (1) “T” serves; (2) “Body” serves; (3) “Corner” serves; (4) “Wide” serves; and (5) “Bucket” serves.  

The “T” serve Target Area one racquet length wide and 5’ deep, at the T-intersection of the two service boxes.

The “Corner” serve Target Area is one racquet length wide and 5’ deep, at the intersection of the service line and the singles sideline.

The “Wide” service Target Area is one racquet length wide and 5’ deep, extending from the “Corner” end of the serve Target Area, along the singles sideline.

The “Body” service Target Area extends between the “T” service Target Area and the “Corner” Target Area, along the service line.  Thus, the “Body” Target Area is 8.5’ wide (and one racquet length deep).

Bucket” serves are serves that are neither “T”, “Body”, “Corner” nor “Wide” serves, but that generally land in the central area of the service box

Learn more about the 7 COURT AREAS…….

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